Sunday, 21 June 2015

Metz's application to music videos


Within this music video there is a male and a female portrayed, both clearly single and attractive. This shows the experimental stage of a romance genre. It displays a typical boy meets girl. But they get hit by a bus at the end, representing tragedy within romance. These two characteristics tend to go hand in hand.


This music video has taken the girl meets boy theme to the next level. There are more connotations towards the genre through the mis en scene (lighting, costume, etc). Also the lyrics which mention 'romeo and juliet' suggest romance (but also inevitable tragedy which isn't mentioned in the music video).

Within the action genre it is often found that fire and explosions are a common convention. this music video emphasizes this but also mocks it because at the end the singers don't walk away from explosions, they panic instead and run away.



This music video combines many different genres; Action, Sci-fi, and the lyrics are loosely based on a metaphor for a relationship which suggests an element of romance. (Taylor Swift is known for her romantic themes). There is also an element of feminism, if not anti-men. As it was men who they beat up at the beginning and all the 'bad-ass' roles were played by women. The idea of swapping gender roles is a very modern concept, making it difficult to recognize the once obvious genre due to Metz's Deconstruction Stage.

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